Hurricane Preparedness Services

Hurricane Preparedness

4 Oct, 22

Secure Your Seasonal Home’s Lanai For Hurricane Season In Palm Beach

By |2022-10-20T03:13:37-04:00October 4th, 2022|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

There is always time to prepare for hurricane season in Palm Beach when you work with home care professionals that live in the area. Do you have a seasonal home in Palm Beach and need to secure your lanai, amongst other things, for hurricane season? Gardens Home Management Services can do all the work [...]

31 May, 22

The Home Care Pro HURRICANE Newsletter: May 2022

By |2022-06-28T10:35:31-04:00May 31st, 2022|General, Hurricane Preparedness, Hurricane Preparedness Services, News & Articles|

Message From The President It only takes one storm to change your life and community. Hurricane season is again upon us and it is imperative that all of us are prepared and evacuation and home protection plans are in place. The GHMS team is geared up for hurricane season 2022 and ready to weather any storm. Remember, [...]

5 May, 21

Hurricane Preparedness Week May 9-15, 2021

By |2022-07-26T10:59:05-04:00May 5th, 2021|General, Hurricane Preparedness Services, News & Articles|

Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Their impacts can be felt hundreds of miles inland and significant impacts can occur without it being a major hurricane. Hurricane Preparedness Week is your time to prepare for a potential land-falling tropical storm or hurricane. Sunday, May 9 - Determine Your Risk Find out what types of [...]

3 Aug, 20

Prepare Your South Florida Home for Storm Season

By |2020-08-27T17:15:48-04:00August 3rd, 2020|General, Home Care Tips, Hurricane Preparedness, Hurricane Preparedness Services|

Hurricane season in South Florida runs from June 1st to November 30th. Whether you are a permanent resident or vacation homeowner, your home needs to be prepared to weather hurricanes and other tropical storms. Hurricanes are the Most Violent Storms on Earth Scientists label them as tropical cyclones, depending on their location they may be [...]

12 Aug, 19

The Benefits of a Homewatch Service – Hurricane Preparation and Storm Assessment

By |2024-05-30T07:46:57-04:00August 12th, 2019|Home Watch Services, Hurricane Preparedness Services|

You cannot predict the weather when you are away from your home. But, what you can do is make sure that your home is properly protected whatever weather disaster may come its way. The easiest way to do this? Through a professional homewatch service, as offered by Gardens Home Management Services. Below, we take a [...]

1 Oct, 18

Tips to Protect Your Garden and Home During Hurricane Season | Tips from The Garden Management Pros

By |2022-08-10T04:41:40-04:00October 1st, 2018|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

If you live in or own property in Florida and the surrounding area, chances are that you will come face-to-face with a hurricane in your lifetime. By hiring professional estate and garden management teams to always be available to prepare your property in the event of a hurricane, you can effectively protect your garden and [...]

10 Sep, 18

Getting Your Vacation Home in South Florida Ready for Hurricane Season

By |2022-10-11T05:43:44-04:00September 10th, 2018|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

Over the past few years, South Florida has been relatively lucky in terms of being able to come out of massive storms and hurricanes without crippling damage. The good fortune of the Sunshine State, however, shouldn’t lead you to avoid preparing your home for hurricane season each year. Hurricane season started in June, so [...]

23 Jun, 16

How to Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season

By |2019-08-01T05:09:09-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

Hurricane season is just around the corner and if you want your home to survive the potential fury of Mother Nature, it’s best to ensure that your house and family are prepared for it. Luckily the Florida area was spared of any serious storms in 2015 (we think this might be thanks to El Nino), [...]

8 Feb, 16

Hurricane Preparation and Protection for Your Delray Home

By |2022-10-11T05:46:03-04:00February 8th, 2016|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

If you own property in Delray, you are most certainly aware that the area can experience hurricanes. Unfortunately, homes that don’t have the correct hurricane protection can suffer devastating damage. Whether you live in your Delray home or use it as a holiday home, it is vitally important that you are fully prepared in [...]

16 Nov, 15

Get your West Palm Beach home hurricane-proof

By |2022-11-11T09:27:51-05:00November 16th, 2015|Hurricane Preparedness Services|

As the 2015 hurricane season draws to a close, it’s once again a lucky thing that West Palm Beach was not hit. Since a hurricane has not actually hit Florida in 10 years, it is very fortunate that no major damage has been caused, but with traditional weather patterns changing and global warming playing [...]

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