The Interior

Interior Home Care Tips

28 Jan, 20

Need Some Extra Help Getting Up?

By |2022-12-12T03:59:16-05:00January 28th, 2020|Home Care Tips, General, News & Articles, The Interior|

Did You Know Our Handyman Can Install Grab Rails In The Bathroom To Assist You? Wall mounted grab rails provide the extra confidence and assistance needed by many in their everyday lives as they negotiate doorways, steps, showers and even stairs in the garage. Our handyman department can meet with you, discuss the location [...]

22 Jan, 20

What’s That Smell Coming From My AC?

By |2020-01-22T13:07:52-05:00January 22nd, 2020|Home Care Tips, General Home Maintenance, News & Articles, The Interior|

Residents of Florida are well-versed in the necessities of air conditioning. But cooling your home at the expense of foul odors is an occurrence many people are all too familiar with. While some smells are mild and cause only the slightest discomfort, others can be intolerable and require immediate attention. Here are some possible smells [...]

13 Nov, 18

Surge Protection

By |2022-12-12T03:59:10-05:00November 13th, 2018|The Interior|

Today’s homes are more reliant than ever on appliances and electronics that are controlled by extremely sensitive microprocessor circuits. These circuits are easily damaged or disrupted by power surges originating both inside and outside the home. GHMS offers a line of residential protection products designed to protect the electrical and electronic equipment in your [...]

26 Jun, 18

The Power of Fans

By |2022-11-11T09:26:23-05:00June 26th, 2018|The Interior|

Installing ceiling fans in your home will keep rooms cool and help reduce energy cost. Ceiling fans help your air conditioner by circulating the air flow in your home and keep room temperatures more comfortable. During the warmer months of the year it is recommended to turn your ceiling fans in a direction where [...]

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