With everything happening at this time we realize your departure date might be up in the air, delayed or you may be heading out earlier than you had expected.   If you could please respond back and give us an update it would be greatly appreciated to help us with scheduling of starting homewatch visits to your house and completing any close-down instructions you may request  If you have an arrival expected and do not plan to come down to your home also please let us know.

If you have already given us your departure date and nothing has changed or are presently on Homewatch there is nothing you need to do at this time as we have the information.

If you need to head out of town earlier than expected and need help with arrangements with car carriers, closing up things in the home that you would normally take care of or other items please do not stress regarding this.  We will work with you and help coordinate so you not need to worry about it.  Remember our job is here is to assist in giving you peace of mind and we will do everything possible to assist you.

I have attached a form that you can send back to us or you can email or call with any instructions and departure dates if that is easier. Also attached are departing tips but remember if you cannot get to some of these items and need us to meet a vendor for a service just let us know and we will take care of.  Take the time to visit our website at www.homecarepro.com as it has a plethora of information. allows you to send communications to us and even create work orders from the website for items you want completed at the house.

If you would like us to be able to check to see if your Internet is working during the season and for your arrival next season, please provide us your Wi-Fi pass code so we can make sure there is connectivity.

We look forward to another successful season watching your home.  Please rest assured we do not take this responsibility lightly and will be your eyes and ears to give you the peace of mind you deserve while you are not in residence. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact us

Please stay healthy and again if there is anything, we can do to assist please let us know

We will continue to send any updates and pertinent information regarding your home during these uncertain times.



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