Attached below is a link from WPBF news as well as the most up to date graphics of Tropical Storm Dorian. We are still in the cone and the storm can move north or south since it is too far out to pinpoint at this time. Gardens Home Management Services is not taking any chances. The storm per the NOAA is either going to be a tropical storm or Category 1 Hurricane when it hits the coast of Florida. Some forecasts have it becoming stronger when it goes over the warm waters of the Bahamas.
Either way we are prepared and have implemented Phase 1 of our hurricane plan, meaning we have already started closing homes as our window to get everything completed is within a very tight time frame. Some communities will not even allow us to do anything unless a hurricane watch is posted which makes our job even more difficult. A hurricane watch may not be posted until Saturday, which then makes it impossible to close your home by Sunday which is the day the storm is predicted to hit along with it being a Holiday weekend.
We are being as proactive as possible. When your home is closed you will be receiving a hurricane close down report from us, letting you know that your house is secure. If you have any questions regarding the report, please email us or call the office.
We will continue to update you on the progress and path of the storm. We hope that the forecast changes in the next day and the cone leaves the South Florida area.
Thanks for all your understanding during this challenging and difficult time but please rest assured we will make sure your home is protected.