Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Gardens Home Management Services

If you’re a seasonal Florida resident, Home Watch Services are an excellent way to keep your property safe no matter where in the world you are. Thousands of people flock to South Florida during the winter months, as the beautiful beaches and the Florida sunshine are much preferred to the cold conditions in the north. But when summer ends and you return to your other residence, how do you ensure your South Florida home remains safe in your absence?

By using Gardens Home Management Services as your Home Watch provider we can grant you the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing your home is well cared for while you are away!

GHMS offers more than just HomeWatch services since we are a full service home management company. We are helping our homeowners prepare their homes for their arrivals this season. If you would like us to help you prepare your home this season with any of the below services, contact us today!