Last Updated on September 26, 2024 by Gardens Home Management Services

Home Watch in Boca Raton is an excellent service for seasonal residents, business travelers, people who vacation frequently and those who simply feel more secure having an extra set of eyes on their property. It doesn’t matter how many security systems you have, or how many surveillance cameras are on your property – nothing beats the peace of mind that comes with having someone you trust check on your home and insure everything is all right. Home Watch does exactly that and during each inspection we check:

  • General security
  • Pest problems
  • Weather and/or water damage
  • Heating and air conditioning system upkeep
  • Electrical system
  • Plumbing system
  • Pool and landscape maintenance

Our Home Watch specialists are fully licensed, bonded and insured and they will visit your property once a week during your absence. We provide emergency response to any security system alarms, we monitor severe weather warnings and provide emergency preparations and we can provide access to your home for third parties, such as repairmen, as long as we have your authorization.

Having something happen to your home, weather it’s a break-in or damage from severe weather conditions can be a devastating experience and can leave you feeling powerless. With Home Watch you’ll have trusted professionals on your side who are available 365 days a year and who have your best interests in mind. You’ll be free to fully relax while you’re on vacation, while at another residence in a different part of the country, or while you’re traveling on business.

Interested in learning more about Home Watch? Please give us a call

For more information about Home Watch, or to request a free consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us today. Discover why so many Boca Raton residents partner with us for peace of mind and excellent home protection. We look forward to hearing from you.