Our Window Washing Service are provided by fully trained, licensed, bonded & insured home care professionals.

GHMS Window Pressure Washing Services

Our goal is to provide top notch
customer satisfaction one window at a time

Gardens Home Management Services is your go to company for all your window needs in the Palm Beach area. We provide superior window cleaning and more allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful views of sunny Florida. Our number one priority is customer satisfaction, providing you with the best & most reliable service in South Florida.

Some of the window washing services we have to offer include:

Window Washing / Cleaning

  • Interior & Exterior Windows Squeegee Cleaned with a Soapy Solution

  • We Wipe your Window Frames, Sills, & Tracks with a Microfiber Towel

  • Screens Removed, Cleaned, and Replaced at no additional charge

  • Protective Booties Worn Inside and Drop Cloths used to Protect Floors

Screen Repair

  • Screen repairs include adjusting and working on your existing screen doors and window screens. Replacement handles, wheels and specialty parts are available.

Sealing & Caulking of Windows

  • Sealing & Caulking of your windows is the best way to prepare you and your home from having a leaky window. We provide this service to make sure that you and your home are as protected as possible from water damage. Full specifications and color are a part of every quotation & project.

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Customer Satisfaction is our #1 Goal.
No Window is too big or small
Animal Safe & Friendly Products.

Contact us for a free estimate.