Gardens Home Management can help you in the fight against allergies through our mattress cleaning service.

GHMS Mattress Cleaning Services

Mattress cleaning with Hygienitech®

Did you know that your mattress could be responsible for your allergy problems? In fact, dust mites are responsible for about 75% of allergy problems in the country today, and are becoming a greater problem every year. Rest assured, Gardens Home Management can help you in the the fight against allergies through our mattress cleaning service. A quick mattress cleaning with Hygienitech® can drastically improve your allergy symptoms.

This mattress cleaning process is a chemical-free, dry treatment. Using the Hygienitech® portable cleaning device, similar in theory to a vacuum, we can destroy dust mites and other bacteria commonly found in mattresses.

Dust Mite Information from Allergy Clinics, Reputable Doctors and Universities around the world:

  • “If you are allergic to dust mites, and millions of people are, you must take steps to minimise them in your home. Believe it or not, there can be as many as 30,000 of these tiny creatures in one ounce of dust! Dust mites are found all over the home, the biggest problem is your bed.”
    Dr. Alan Greene Clinical Faculty – Stanford University School of Medicine.

  • “It is thought that people who have atopic eczema may be affected by allergens in the droppings of the house dust mite. It is believed that reducing the amount of house dust mites in the home may improve the condition of the skin.”
    National Eczema Campaign.

  • “House dust mites are the major source of airborne allergens in the home to which people with allergies are exposed.”
    Dr. M. J. Colloff (Glasgow University).

  • “The dust mite is responsible for about three quarters of the allergic problems in the country today, and the numbers are increasing.”
    Dr. H. Morrow Brown (Derby Hospitals).

  • “Dust mite proteins have been implicated as a predominant cause of the current increase in asthma.”
    Dr. Stephen A. Brunton, Mount Sanai School of Medicine

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Contact us for more information on our Mattress Cleaning Services.

Palm Beach Gardens
(561) 625-5700

Boca Raton
(561) 620-7859