Last Updated on December 12, 2022 by Gardens Home Management Services

Being right in the middle of hurricane season, it would be silly to ignore the very real possibility of a tropical storm hitting the Palm Beach Gardens area. While the Atlantic hurricane season for 2015 is predicted to be the least active hurricane season in decades, there are still an expected 8 named storms, 3 of which can be expected to turn into hurricanes. Owning a home in this area, quite possibly one that is largely unoccupied during the storm season, means you need to have a hurricane plan in place.

When a Hurricane Watch is issued, you, or someone on your behalf, need to secure all furniture that may become airborne in high winds or store them in a garage, close all hurricane shutters and take the necessary steps to ensure your home is geared to weather the storm. In the event you are in residence at such a time, make sure you know where the nearest evacuation point is (usually a school or community hall). If you do not plan on evacuating, you need to make sure you have adequate supplies, like flashlights, candles, dry and canned food (and a non-electric can opener!) and plenty of bottled water. A radio and portable TV will keep you in touch, while a generator is another handy item to consider.

If you are nowhere near when potential hurricanes hit, it would be good to know about it before it happens, rather than hearing about it on the news after the event. Having a Hurricane Preparation Agreement with a home management company is a way of taking care of the requirements to protect your home.

Trust Gardens Home Management to secure your Palm Beach Gardens home in hurricane season

The instant a Hurricane Watch is announced, the team from Gardens Home Management will carry out an inspection of your home and do what needs to be done to limit damage. All staff, contractors and technology will be in place and ready to take action if needed. Clients will receive a post storm inspection and report as soon as possible after the storm has passed.

As the Boy Scouts say, Be Prepared! Find out about a contract to protect your home today!